[X4U] Mail chokes on AOL emails?

Scott McCulloch mylists at ascottmcculloch.com
Tue Mar 22 22:37:46 PST 2005

I just took a look at the Apple discussion boards... looks like it has 
to do with people sending from the Windows AOL *Optimized* version.

There was no other "fix" or workaround for this mentioned (that I've 
found) other than either composing a new email with your reply (as you 
do), or changing the message view to the plain text alternative (which 
I do).


On Mar 22, 2005, at 10:31 PM, Birgit Rhoads wrote:

> YESSSS!@%&.  But not all AOL addresses.  Some people must have set a 
> special filter.  I give up.  I just open a new window and reply.
> Birgit
> On Mar 23, 2005, at 1:26 AM, Scott McCulloch wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've just come across something interesting with Mail, and wondering 
>> if anyone else has experienced this before.
>> I got an email from someone on AOL (not 100% sure that's the relevant 
>> part), and when I tried to "Reply", no reply email window opened. I 
>> hit "Reply" again... nothing. I hit "Reply All"... nothing. So I quit 
>> and relaunched Mail. It opened with the three reply email windows 
>> ready to go, but empty - no quoted email content there at all. So I 
>> got rid of them and tried again... and again nothing. Then I did 
>> View->Message->Plain Text Alternative, and then hit "Reply" again - 
>> this time, the reply message window opened as it should.
>> Anyone else experiencing anything similar? Or know what's going on? 
>> Is it a known bug that emails from AOL will have this problem?
>> Scott
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