[X4U] PowerBook in "lid closed" mode

Phillip Zannini • phillip at globalsync.net
Sat Mar 26 20:17:12 PST 2005

>On 3/25/05 3:21 PM, "Daniel Beck" <danielbeck at mac.com> wrote:

> On Mar 9, 2005, at 7:16 PM, Peter Payne wrote:
>> By the way, they have these neat Powerbook stands here in Japan for
>> people who run their 'Books closed with an external monitor attached.
>> I've never seen them outside of Akihabara. They're pretty cool -- I
>> got one today even though I don't need it, but I'll want it eventually
> What are they called?
> Daniel (in Japan)

Have you looked at the iCurve?  It works great for me!  I also use the Rain
Design iLap as well, and when I'm on the road the Podium Cool Pad.

Phillip J. Zannini
Host: MacPhilly Almost Live
Author:  A Mac Eye for the Windows Guy ©
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