Re: [X4U] Importing into Entourage X from MBOX–format files

Stroller MacMonster at
Thu Mar 31 06:33:26 PST 2005

On Mar 31, 2005, at 9:40 am, Jorge Domingos wrote:

> I want to import some email I have in my work PC, into an MBOX-format 
> file, and then into Entourage X on my home iBook. I want to do this 
> with regularity. My problem is, which email application should I use 
> on my work PC that can create MBOX-format files?

A Google returns so many results it's not funny - 
<> - however many of them 
seem to be proprietary or unmaintained.

I think the problem is probably that this is a task most people only 
ever undertake once and so - especially since MS's binary file-formats 
are a bleeding nightmare - it's not very interesting for F/OSS authors 
to keep up with.

I'm sure I used <> some years ago, but 
its author reports newer formats may not be supported. I like the look 
of ,>, but there seem to be no 
updates to the site since it was opened in November last year; it's 
available in source code only, which I'd normally consider a good 
thing, nut it may not compile as cleanly on OS X as on Linux.

I think I'd be inclined to try 
<> - I'd feel quite 
optimistic about it, as it looks up to date & its referenced by this 
article <>. Be 
careful, and inspect the imported messages in OS X carefully the first 
few times, to ensure that no data has been lost.


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