[X4U] Tiger... why...

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Thu May 12 06:10:54 PDT 2005

At 2:41 PM -0700, 5/11/05, Zane H. Healy wrote:

>--- Why is there no way to turn off "features" that I find useless, and a
>waste of resources such as "Dashboard" or "Expose".

Is Exposé using up memory?

>--- Why does it remove my Pro copy of Quicktime 
>and replace it with the non-Pro version without 
>asking me about it.  This one strikes me as 
>downright criminal!

Criminal? You're tough. I guess you'll have to redownload QuickTime 6 now.

>--- Why didn't it upgrade the developer tools 
>when I upgraded the OS?  I still have to figure 
>out how to do this.

If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it.

>The upgrade cost me $320 (300MB HD and the OS itself).  I'd have been better
>off just buying more RAM.  Which brings up another point, it's even more of
>a memory hog, but at least it's better about freeing up virtual memory.

Tiger cost me $2200 because my last computer 
didn't have FireWire. That was so unfair.

Robert Ameeti

Logic: The art of being wrong with confidence...

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