On 05/12/05, Stephen Lanza <slanza at swcomplement.com> wrote: > > Apple seems to be forcing users to upgrade more than they expect with system > upgrades. I myself will have to spend $300 to 'upgrade' Apple Remote > Desktop' to v2.x because v1.x will not run in Tiger even though I don't need > the v2.x features. Couple this with the policy where Apple does not discount > their upgrade prices and you have a now disgruntled software buyer - me. > How? What mechanism did it use to force you to do what? Upgrade to Tiger? AFAIK, there are many doing well with OS 8&9, Puma, Jaguar, and Panther. I guess the Apple goons missed me. If you don't need ARD 2.x's features, how did they "make" upgrade to Tiger; thus, forcing ARD 2.x on you? If ARD 1.x runs on Panther, why did YOU choose to move to Tiger?