Ever since upgrading to Tiger about a week ago, I get a stupid message in my console every couple minutes. smbd: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out It looks like samba is looking for a printer or something. So, I launched Print Center to see if it's trying to print something, and see that, on the contrary, the upgrade has also wiped my printer list clean. "You have no printers available". But apparently I'm getting warm because launching Print Center causes similar crap in the console: /Applications/Utilities/Printer Setup Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/Printer Setup Utility: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PrinterNotifications.bundle/Contents/Mac OS/makequeues: cupsd mach_msg error (ipc/rcv) timed out Adding a printer to the list did not help. Has anyone else seen this, or know how to stop it? Thanks, Jerry Krinock