If this is true, and I hardly doubt it outside of some onboard controller chip of some sort, it might be due to all those gaming consoles that are about to be released for the XMAS season. IBM's gonna have their hands full filling the chip orders for all those Xboxen. Maybe instead of running back to MOTO with their tails between their legs, they decide to hedge their bets and give intel a try. Would likely be developer suicide, however. Is this how our buddy Bill is finally going to put the nail in Apple's coffin? Prevent them from making computers. Hope they are wrong and this is just another attempt to get some quick readership for advertising sweeps... Peter On May 23, 2005, at 9:45 AM, Richard Nagle wrote: > 5:30am 05/23/05 > Apple considering using Intel chips on Macs: WSJ (AAPL, INTC, IBM, > MOT) By Steve Goldstein > LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL) is considering > using > chips made by Intel Corp. (INTC) in its Macintosh computer line, The > Wall Street Journal said Monday, citing industry sources. Two industry > executives with knowledge of recent discussions between the companies > said Apple will agree to use Intel chips, the report said. Neither > company would confirm any change in their relationship. It's unclear > what the impact would be on International Business Machines Corp. > (IBM) > , its longtime supplier, the report added. >