[X4U] Why does Bash do this?

Mark Phillips mark at mophilly.com
Wed Oct 12 07:32:59 PDT 2005

On Oct 10, 2005, at 3:10 PM, Stroller wrote:

>  Is it possible you could have edited the file in TextEdit or similar 
> which has appended Macintosh carriage-returns or line-feeds or 
> whatever to the lines? Try opening the build.sh in `pico`; of course 
> they may not display in `pico` any more than they do with `cat` but 
> please humour me by deleting the lines & adding them again.

TextEdit, WorldText, these and others will package unwanted characters 
into scripts. Pico is great but, IMHO, BBedit is easier.

I use BBEdit as it will show non-printing characters, allows me to 
select characters sets and line endings, plus lots of other things. Try 
the free demo and see what you think.

Mark Phillips
Mophilly & Associates
On the web at http://www.mophilly.com
On the phone at 619 444-9210

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