[X4U] Emails incomplete

T.L. Miller tlmiller at mac.com
Mon Oct 17 08:02:21 PDT 2005

>> AOL makes e-mail difficult for its users. The biggest problem I notice
>> is that when an AOLer responds. Almost invariably, they fail to include
>> any part of the original message that will put their response in
>> context. Oddly, they don't understand that answers without the questions
>> make little sense.

On 10/17/05, at 7:50 AM, keith_w, <keith_w at dslextreme.com> said:

>I think that's because most AOL-ers are "plug-and'play" folks, who
rarely get 
>deeper into their application. Most of them don't know about modifying the 
>response email, they just answer and send, without regard for how it
looks at 
>the other end.
>It's been so many years since I used AOL, does it even have a
>Preferences file 
>It may never have occurred to the average user that they have a choice!

I have noticed a lot of independent sales reps are AOLers. Send them a
message with a few questions about their products and get a "naked"
answer that requires that you dig out your own message to make sense out
of theirs. You would think that they would look at their message and
say: "Huh?"

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