[X4U] Apple Aperture target Audience?

Stroller macmonster at myrealbox.com
Wed Oct 19 15:15:38 PDT 2005

On Oct 19, 2005, at 10:23 pm, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>> I thought it was overly apparent, even blatant, as the page states 
>> right at
>> the top: "Designed for Professional Photographers"
> OK, let me put it this way, why would I want "Aperture" instead of 
> "Adobe Photoshop CS2"?

I don't know why _you_ might want Aperture instead of Photoshop, but 
many may choose it for its library management - the ability to import 
directly from the camera, browse thumbnail libraries & to store 
original images alongside the edited work.

Personally, I find Photoshop's toolbars obscure - I wanted to change 
the colour temperature of a photo the other day and it took me several 
times as long to do so in Photoshop as it did in iPhoto, however I 
persevered because I wanted the ability of Photoshop / ImageReady to 
"export to the web" at a given resolution with 4 quality previews 
showing filesize.

There's no way to say whether Aperture's editing facilities will be as 
advanced as Photoshop's, but maybe they don't need to be. It seems to 
me that Photoshop is not aimed just at professional photographers, but 
instead does everything for everybody - Aperture's is a narrower target 
audience, I think. Photoshop offers facilities to use colour fills & 
paint coloured squares & ellipses, but many people don't need that.

If you watch the "profiles" video on the Aperture pages Heinz 
Kluetmeier says why he'll choose Aperture. It seems to me that many 
wedding photographers will enjoy the facilities to export to Apple's 
glossy hard-copy photoalbums, and others will like being able to print 
contact sheets (which I don't believe Photoshop handles).


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