[X4U] Re: Best System Version for Old iMac

Michael J. Prevost mprevost at dot4.com
Thu Oct 27 08:57:09 PDT 2005

>On Oct 27, 2005, at 7:14 AM, Stroller wrote:
>  > I was given a slot-loading 400mhz G3 iMac a few weeks ago, and
>  > Panther seems to run fine on it - I'm sure it would be fine for the
>  > email & web-surfing of a light user. I think I shoved some extra
>  > RAM in mine, as it's now got 256meg, but RAM of this age is cheap &
>  > plentiful.
>I'd agree with this -we've been running a 400 MHz iMac DV since it
>was new and it does real well with Panther on "native" apps. I would
>say, though, that if she'll be running anything in Classic that is at
>all CPU intensive, she will definitely take a performance hit. My
>kids still play old games on our 233 MHz beige G3 in OS 9 without any
>problems that will exhibit jerky graphics and sound dropouts running
>in Classic on the iMac.
>One other possible issue. IIRC, she won't be able to print from
>Classic apps unless the printer has a Classic (OS 9) printer driver.
>I could be wrong about that though, its been a while.
>IMO if she's going to be getting a new Mac sometime in the future she
>may want to start transitioning to OS X (both learning OS X and
>software purchases). OTOH, if she doesn't foresee a new computer in
>the somewhat near future, I'd probably recommend sticking with OS 9.

I think Mike W.'s advice is right on target. If she is happy with the 
capabilities of OS9 on the old iMac, then why fix something that's 
not broken? Solve the printer problem only. It will be less expensive 
regardless of the solution.

I'd also advise upgrading to OSX only if it is part of a larger need/plan.

FWIW: a family member could not get Panther to run well on his 
Tangerine iMac. Went back to Jaguar and is much happier. I didn't 
look into the problems myself so I can't say if they were fixable 
(i.e. more memory, disk maint, etc).

Mike P.

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