[X4U] Mail.app junk Filter

DZ-Jay dz at caribe.net
Thu Sep 1 03:11:48 PDT 2005

On May 10, 2005, at 10:10, B.ru c-e •K1u-tch-k0 wrote:

> I'm running Mail on Tiger and have the junk mail filter set to "learn" 
> mode. Still, a lot of junk gets through. I've been moving the junk 
> mail to a separate folder after marking it as junk, as the junk folder 
> does not appear in learning mode. Does moving these messages from the 
> mailboxes they originally came from defeat the learning process of the 
> Mail junk filter?

No.  Apple's documentation about the "Training" and "Automatic" 
settings is a bit misleading.  Apart from keeping your messages in your 
Inbox so that you can check them before deciding if they were marked 
correctly, the "Training" option updates the internal Junk Mail 
database for every message received; that is, every time a message is 
marked as Junk or Not-Junk, the corpus and internal settings get 
updated, so that messages of the same kind in the future will be more 
likely to be recognized as such.  In "Automatic" mode, it just sorts 
the messages to the appropriate mailbox without updating its internal 
database -- except when you manually mark them as Junk/Not-Junk.

You can, alternatively, keep Mail.app in "Training" mode until you feel 
comfortable it "learned" enough, and create your own filter rule to 
move messages marked as Junk to your manually-created Junk folder.  One 
of the rules criteria is "Message is Junk".  This will not affect the 


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