[X4U] Consumer Reports

Brett Conlon brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au
Thu Sep 8 17:42:30 PDT 2005

Just a further thought....

We have Office on all the Macs in our studio and haven't encountered a 
single macro virus - thank goodness!

Unfortunately you won't always have the luxury of being able to disable 
macros when opening a document that has them. There are a number of Word 
docs in our company that simply won't open if you disable the macros. 
However, in each case I have thought about their origins (some received 
from outside sources also) and I make a judgement call to open them with 
macros enabled or not - usually I let the macros run.



Randy B.Singer <randy at macattorney.com>

In both Word and Excel, under Preferences, there is an option called 
"Macro Virus Protection."  Enable that and when the program encounters a 
macro it will block it and ask if you are sure if you want to run it.  If 
you never allow a macro to run, you are 100% protected.

Randy B. Singer
Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions)

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