[X4U] Double-Click App Launch .plist?

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Sat Sep 10 16:43:52 PDT 2005

On 09/10/05, Bill Fox <wfoxjr at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Anybody know which preference .plist file (or other file for that 
> matter) in OS X handles the mouse double-click for launching 
> applications? My double-click launch quit working and it is probably 
> due a corrupt .plist file. I've tried trashing and replacing: 
> com.apple.desktop.plist; com.apple.driver.AppleHIDMouse.plist; 
> com.apple.finder.plist; com.apple.FolderActions.plist; 
> com.apple.HIToolbox.plist; com.apple.LaunchServices.plist;  and 
> com.microsoft.microsoftmouse.plist--all to no avail. But if I remove 
> my whole user Preference Folder from the Library folder and reboot to
> make a new default one, double-click launching works fine again.

Don't know which one controls that, but I'd guess the
com.apple.systempreferences (controls keyboard & Mouse prefpane-at least it
changed when I modified the double-click speed) or com.apple.systemuiserver
plists. Try those.

If not, then there are two ways to attack the problem. Easiest, get the
freeware app, Preferential Treatment, and check both your and the system
plists. If that doesn't fix things; then, harder would be to (while logged
into the new user, where it works) open up ~/Library/Preferences, copy the
enclosed prefs to a temp folder on the desktop, move, a couple at a time,
the same named prefs from the old to the new, log out/back in, and see if
you can find the broken one. When it's fixed, copy the new ones to the old
one, log out, and log into the old account. Than should do it.

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