[X4U] Implications of Boot Camp

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Wed Apr 5 16:40:20 PDT 2006

> > -will software developers still develop for the mac?
> This is an issue that is significant... Altho, I won't be willing to  
> reboot into another OS to use someone's software. Even Adobe... I'll  
> use Pages and Aperture and Graphic Converter instead. I like all my  
> tools in the same OS environment.

This is what killed OS/2.  Once OS/2 was capable of running Windows 3.0/3.1
applications better than Windows itself, there was no motivation for
developers to work on OS/2 ports.  In fact this is a good reason for Apple
to make sure that this doesn't work to well.

> And why buy a second OS that is inferior to run some apps that only  
> run in it?  Nah, if they want the market and the profits they will  
> port to OSX.

Actually there is a good reason to buy a second OS to run applications that
won't run on Mac OS X.  There are numerous cases where the market is so
small, that it makes good business sense to only support Winodws.  Trust me,
Virtual PC isn't a good solution for all of these applications, and for a
couple people that I know, this is a very big deal.

Another reason for buying Windows to put on a Mac should be obvious, games. 
The downside of this, is that I expect this to pretty much kill the Mac
games market.  Don't be surprised if in the next 6-12 months there aren't
any new Mac games coming out.


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