[X4U] Frequent Inadvertent Double Clicking

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Thu Aug 31 06:03:02 PDT 2006

On 31 Aug 2006, at 13:38, David R. Boag wrote:

> Just upgraded my G4 350 MHz Sawtooth to an Intel Mini Duo 1.66GHz/ 
> 1.25GB RAM. I just transferred over my old G4's USB Apple Keyboard,  
> and I'm using a USB Microshaft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 as my  
> mouse. Obviously, the OS is new (10.4.7) and I did a new install  
> and migrated over one of my users from the old machine after  
> setting things up.
> Ever since I started using the Mini, I will do a normal single  
> click, and it will act as if I double clicked, when I didn't. I  
> never had this problem on the G4. I have not tried another mouse  
> yet as I don't have one available. I'd have to go buy one. Anyone  
> seen this or know how to fix it? I really don't like the Apple  
> mouse very much.

You may want to check the driver for your mouse.


Simon Forster
  LDML Ltd, 62 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HZ, UK
  Tel: +44 (0)20 8133 0528   Fax: +44 (0)70 9230 5247

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