[X4U] Subtle way of leaving the Dark Side

Spoolman Nancy nanc at spoolman.com
Wed Dec 6 13:22:39 PST 2006

I have to share this with everyone. My son has a PC. It has given him  
(and me!) nothing but grief recently. We have wiped it and redid it,  
but with all the spyware they have to use, etc. multi-tasking isn't  
too easy when you start the machine up. Granted, it's an older  
machine with a 1.2 GHz processor. It would be funny if he didn't have  
to use it all the time for his work.

The other day he hands me my Christmas present early which he had  
made for me. I think he's telling me he is switching. I have pictures  
of it on my website if you care to see. I love his way of finally  
coming over from the dark side.

Anyway, I am always harping on him about how much better the Mac is  
and It was like talking to a brick wall, though. Every time something  
would go wrong with his PC my blood pressure would go up.

Enjoy the pics. (I should put one of my Classics from my museum  
collection in the spare bedroom where he will see it when he comes to  
visit!) Ha!



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