[X4U] OT: using old tower Mac as a Firewire case?

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Sun Dec 10 20:42:44 PST 2006

On 12/10/06 8:52 PM, Randy B.Singer wrote:

> The original poster is looking to purchase an old Mac to do his bidding,
> not use an old one lying around.  An old used Sawtooth is going to cost
> him around $200. e.g.:
> http://www.baucomcomputers.com/

He'd mentioned eBay. You can get them much less expensively there than from
a certified reseller -- provided they work, and provided you're able to make
any necessary refurbishments yourself.

This one sold for $15.50 yesterday, plus $28.89 shipping:

This one sold for $9.99 today, with $45 shipping.

But as you pointed out, without other modifications the B&W G3 may not be
the ideal machine for this task.


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