[X4U] iTunes - Cleaning / Consolidating The Library

Matt Gregory vdub.grego at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 06:51:46 PST 2006

I think I understand what you want to do.  But your second step should be
unnecessary.  You can just close (quit) iTunes, delete the iTunes xml and
database files (not the library folder itself), open iTunes and it'll be
squeaky clean.  If you want to change any settings about how iTunes handles
your library (like where it resides, etc) do it now.  Then you should have
your media files still in their original locations and you can use "Add to
Library" (cmd-O I think) to add them back.  If they are already in their
correct locations iTunes shouldn't make any duplicates of anything (unless
you changed a setting).  Of course it's a good idea to back up all your
media and the library and xml files first so you'll be able to undo
everything and you can play around until you get what you want.



On 12/11/06, revDAVE <coolcat at hosting4days.com> wrote:
> My old iTunes library still works fine - however - there are some bad
> entries here and there - and I would like to create a brand spanking new
> library.  I am not sure of the best way to do this.  I imagine that I can
> simply:
> - close iTunes
> - and then move every song from the iTunes library folder into a temp
> folder
> - delete the iTunes library file
> - and open iTunes to a totally clean new setup
> - then simply drag all the songs in again.
> The problem with this is that it will duplicate all the songs on the hard
> drive and I would prefer if there was a better way without all the
> duplication and making the drives work so hard.
> Q: What is the best way to go about this?
> --
> Thanks - RevDave
> CoolCat at hosting4days.com
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