[X4U] Odd "bing" sound, every 10 minutes~

Robert MacLeay robertmacleay at mac.com
Sat Dec 16 13:32:17 PST 2006

As a diagnostic, you might want to have Activity Monitor running and open to
see what might be active.

Another utility to monitor network activity specifically, such as Little
Snitch, might also give you a clue about who's doing this.

On Sat, 16 Dec 2006 04:21:34 -0800, keith_w <keith_w at dslextreme.com> wrote:

> In the past day or so I've noticed an 'announcement' that appears as two
> beeps, 3 seconds apart, with the first beep accompanied by a 1/2 second
> flash of some small window, that has text in it.
> Too fast to read, so I have no idea what's in the window.
> This announcement repeats reliably every 10 minutes.
> Who has an idea what this might be?

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