[X4U] Missing font in Safari

Mark Des Cotes mark at astroprinting.com
Mon Dec 18 05:33:40 PST 2006

After last weeks thread about font management I decided to do a  
little house cleaning. I upgraded to Suitcase Fusion, emptied my User  
and Library Fonts folders and removed everything from my System Fonts  
folder except for; Geneva, Kayboard, LastResort, LucidaGrande and  
Monaco. I've used Suitcase to permanently activate; Courier,  
Helvetica, Symbol, Times and ZapfDingbats. I had a bit of problems  
with Mail defaulting to Helvetica Fractions so I deleted that font  
and all is now well in Mail. However, Safari still has some strange  
font problems. My home page is "http://www.apple.com/startpage/" The  
header and both sides of the window look fine, but the centre "Top  
Stories" section displays weird. The dates and titles are fine but  
the descriptions look like they're written in some foreign language.  
Does anyone know what font I need installed for that section to  
display correctly. BTW, the problem isn't just on Apples site it's  
just the easiest site to point you to.

Mark Des Cotes
Systems Manager/Graphic Designer

Astro Printing Service (Cornwall) Ltd.
3308 Second Street East
Cornwall Ontario Canada  K6H 6J8
T (613) 932-9281 Ext 106,  F (613) 932-1052

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