[X4U] Missing font in Safari

Mark Des Cotes mark at astroprinting.com
Mon Dec 18 08:32:03 PST 2006

I hadn't checked before but I just tried the same page (http:// 
www.apple.com/startpage/) in Internet Explorer and Netscape and the  
problem text displays fine. It's only in Safari that the text is all  
gobly gook.

Mark Des Cotes
Systems Manager/Graphic Designer

Astro Printing Service (Cornwall) Ltd.
3308 Second Street East
Cornwall Ontario Canada  K6H 6J8
T (613) 932-9281 Ext 106,  F (613) 932-1052

On 18-Dec-06, at 11:05 AM, Jim Elmore wrote:

> From the source code for the page . . .
> #content p {font-family: 'Times Roman', Times, serif; font-size:  
> 13px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;}
> You could have an odd version of Times installed and the browser is  
> defaulting to "serif".
> I wouldn't let Fusion manage my Library and System Fonts. I'd go  
> with the default system install and not worry about it. I found  
> that if I try to do what the System is supposed to do, i just get  
> in trouble at some point. I've tried it and don't like it.
> Fusion does work great for me, though. Very solid.
> You also might try a font cache cleaner. AppleJack might be  
> overkill. Maybe DeepSix. There are others.
> On Dec 18, 2006, at 7:33 AM, Mark Des Cotes wrote:
>> After last weeks thread about font management I decided to do a  
>> little house cleaning. I upgraded to Suitcase Fusion, emptied my  
>> User and Library Fonts folders and removed everything from my  
>> System Fonts folder except for; Geneva, Kayboard, LastResort,  
>> LucidaGrande and Monaco. I've used Suitcase to permanently  
>> activate; Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, Times and ZapfDingbats. I  
>> had a bit of problems with Mail defaulting to Helvetica Fractions  
>> so I deleted that font and all is now well in Mail. However,  
>> Safari still has some strange font problems. My home page is  
>> "http://www.apple.com/startpage/" The header and both sides of the  
>> window look fine, but the centre "Top Stories" section displays  
>> weird. The dates and titles are fine but the descriptions look  
>> like they're written in some foreign language. Does anyone know  
>> what font I need installed for that section to display correctly.  
>> BTW, the problem isn't just on Apples site it's just the easiest  
>> site to point you to.
>> Mark Des Cotes
>> Systems Manager/Graphic Designer
>> Astro Printing Service (Cornwall) Ltd.
>> 3308 Second Street East
>> Cornwall Ontario Canada  K6H 6J8
>> T (613) 932-9281 Ext 106,  F (613) 932-1052
>> www.astroprinting.com
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