[X4U] 17" PB G4 running 10.4.8 Trifecta (Now just Invisible Folders) (Update 1)

Lee Licata lalicata at alum.rpi.edu
Sat Dec 23 10:04:08 PST 2006



I found it set to "no" and set it to "yes."
Saw all the invisible stuff show up.
Reset it to "no" and the 3 problem alias folders that show be  
invisible are still visible.


Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 00:34:06 -0800
From: Rick Gordon <rick at rickgordon.com>
Subject: RE: [X4U] 17" PB G4 running 10.4.8 Trifecta (Now just  
Invisible Folders) (Update 1)

Try setting the AppleShowAllFiles field of com.apple.finder.plist to NO.

Rick Gordon

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