think of it this way. lots of people here use macros and shortcut utilities, programmable mice, etc..often to handle very simple chores which often consist of mouse clicks...having these chores automated or made quicker isn't a life or death just makes things a little easier. multiply a chore by how often you do it, and you get the value of that shortcut. It's similar with moveable tabs. I might want to hop back and forth between two tabs. if they're separated by 3, 4, 5 or more other tabs, that means more mousing, more time, more tedium. moving tabs closer together makes it easier to flip from one to another. No, it won't dislocate my shoulder or crack my spine to move the mouse farther, but if there's something that makes my workspace easier and more effective for me, why not do it? there's no more mystery to it than that. it must might not be significant for some people. perhaps just like I don't need to dive into Dashboard to get at a widget to control iTunes, when I can have iTunes right there tucked away in a corner. personal pref, how you like to work. nk > can't for the life of me figure out why that is super cool... > > bill