[X4U] itunes iphoto libraries

Mark Gibson gibsonm at bigpond.net.au
Fri Feb 3 02:48:12 PST 2006

At 05:36 -0500 3/2/06, Mitchell Senft wrote:
>I know one of them can be moved, one can't. Which can and how? (I'm 
>adding a second HD to the desktop and want to move the space hog to 
>the new disk.)
>	Mitchell
>The World's Most Pro-American Blog:


Actually both can be elsewhere, just put aliases for the files where 
iTunes / iPhoto expects them to be.

~/Users/userid/Music/iTunes where "iTunes" is an alias of the real 
iTunes folder elsewhere.


~/Users/userid/Pictures/iPhoto Library where "iPhoto Library" is an 
alias of the real iPhoto Library folder elsewhere.

I have 94.7Gb of music and 5Gb of photos on external drives that 
iTunes and iPhoto access quite happily via the two 4Kb aliases on the 
boot disk.


Mark (}-:
+61 (0)4 1927 7198
Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

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