[X4U] No AppleWorks on intel iMacs?

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Mon Feb 6 13:29:35 PST 2006

> I once saw a demonstration of AW (maybe ClarisWorks at the time) showing
> the drawing, painting capabilities and it was amazing what could be done
> -- very professional. It's sad to see the end of AW's development.

Just think, those capabilities were simply a subset of what ClarisDraw could
do.  They killed ClarisDraw *how* many years ago?  The irritating thing is,
ClarisDraw was the application that got me to buy a Mac in the first place,
AND I still use it on my G5 2x2!  Sadly it won't run on the Intel Mac's, and
I have yet to find a suitable replacement for it!


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