[X4U] Wireless router reception

William Scammell bill at wscd.biz
Tue Feb 7 18:33:28 PST 2006

On Feb 7, 2006, at 3:25 PM, eleventhvolume wrote:

> Would anybody on this list be able to offer an explanation for a  
> drop in
> wireless reception quality? We haven't installed any new electricals
> although I did get a complete loss of connection on Sunday morning  
> and my
> ISP concluded that the router prefs had corrupted.


also, you mentioned "new electricals". do you mean an electrician  
came in and installed new wires, boxes, switches, etc.? If so,  
perhaps some kind of ground fault problem.


William Scammell
Creative Director

bill @ wscd.biz

vox: 781-956-3548
fax: 978-594-5290

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