[X4U] Prevent accidental unmounting?

Brett Conlon brett.conlon at SonyDADC.com
Wed Feb 8 15:56:07 PST 2006

Well, another trick could be to launch a file or small app from off that 
Machine. Depending on what you launched it should tell you that the volume 
couldn't be unmounted coz XXX is still in use.

I tried it with a Photoshop image and the volume unmounted without a 
problem, however launching a PDF produced the error as you want.



nk <netkat at comcast.net> 
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[X4U] Prevent accidental unmounting?

In a fit of I dunno what, I un-mounted another Mac which was 
connected to my main mac, and which was quite busy doing network 3D 
rendering. I was hoping I'd get one of those "Can not unmount the 
server because it's in use" things.

no such luck.

Aside from just hiding other computers in the sidebar, is there 
another way to protect myself from dumb mistakes like that?


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