[X4U] [Ti] hard drive for 17" powerbook

alexandre mac.k at a2k.ch
Thu Feb 9 16:15:46 PST 2006

On 10 Feb 2006, at 00:19, mac.k at a2k.ch wrote:

> hi all
> tonight my powerbook's hd died… the symptoms (app crashes, beach ball,
> spinning sounds…) had been around for a few days. my last back-up  
> was done
> 3 days ago so i won't be losing too much work.
> i'd like to go for a 120gb 5'400 rpm drive. any suggestions? any  
> brand i
> should avoid?
> thanks
> alexandre

a follow-up to my own post.
i was able to boot my powerbook, and back up the data.

it's very strange: the symptoms described above happened last week,  
then again, nothing. now this.

i did a little googling on hd failure symptoms (see above) and i seem  
to have them. running disk utility brings up nothing. smart reporter  
brings up nothing. booting in single user mode and running fsck  
brings up nothing. yet the computer crashes severely: force-quit  
doesn't work, i can only force re-boot. and then the computer tells  
me it can't find the start up system and disk utility can't the hd  

and 2 hours later, everything is up and running again… strange.

should i still change my hd?!

:: 17" 1.5ghz powerbook / 1.5gb / 80gb / X.4.4 ::

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