[X4U] Looking for software that can do incremental backups...

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Sun Feb 12 14:50:59 PST 2006

At 11:33 PM +0100 2/12/06, alexandre wrote:
>>When you say that you want "incremental backups" do you mean that you
>>want a program that will do archival backup (that is, all past versions
>>of documents are saved), or that you want old versions of files in your
>>backup automatically deleted and replaced with newer versions?
>randy, i'd be interested in such a program, the kind that does 
>archival backup, keeping all past versions of documents. any 

I know Randy will know all about this, but I can recommend Tri-Backup 
as a program that works well, is easy to use, and does many kinds of 
backup, including this one (which they call "evolutive backup".



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