[X4U] iPhoto 6 (and earlier) Slideshow TIming Inconsistencies

Pete Zimowski petez at mac.com
Tue Feb 14 20:39:48 PST 2006

Alright, here's a good one...

Created a slideshow in iPhoto 6 on my AlBook 1.5GHz, consisting of  
about 80 images and synced to a single mp4 music file located in  
iTunes.  I used different slide durations and dissolve transition  
durations to fit the photos to the lyrics and emotional changes in  
the music.  I also added some Ken Burns motion to a few of the photos.

Slideshow play perfect on the AlBook - hits all the peaks and valleys  
of the music.  Awesome.

However, once I try to do anything with the show other than show it  
in iPhoto on the AlBook, I am seeing timing inconsistencies.

For example, when I "Send to iDVD" via the "Share" menu, the  
resulting show (at least in the Preview mode - I haven't wasted a DVD  
by burning it yet) is out of sync with the music versus the iPhoto  
version, with the images moving along faster than the music.

If I Export the show to QuickTime, the music on the resultant movie  
is also out of sync, generally with the images cycling faster than  
when viewed in iPhoto.

If you've never seen the show, or you don't appreciate how good it  
can be when synced up perfectly, you wouldn't necessarily notice.   
It's sometimes only a second, but that can be an eternity when you're  

But, wait.  It gets better.

I copied the entire iPhoto Library containing the slideshow (and the  
data files containing the "directions" for the slideshow) from the  
AlBook to my desktop, a Dual-800 Quicksilver with the same iPhoto  
version 6.  I also copied the exact music file into iTunes on the  

I note that all the transition and duration information for  
individual images is carried over with no problem.  However, when  
playing the slideshow on the Quicksilver, the photos (and  
transitions) all move SLOWER than on the AlBook, so the slideshow is  
out of whack the other direction.

So what can make them all different?



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