[X4U] double scroll bars in 10.4.x

Jerry K mac2 at oryx.cc
Wed Feb 15 12:10:11 PST 2006

Paul has it.

But not from the command.  I had been trying that, and several 
variations, from an xterm.  These were all documented in the 
macosxhints.com url below.  I not only logged out, but also rebooted my 

I also couldn't get Onyx to work.  Tried both as my user id and root. 
Again, rebooted system after applying settings.

What finally worked for me, thanks Paul, was running the command from 
Terminal.app, vs xterm.

I have no idea why that made a difference.  I didn't try TinkerTool. 
That may have worked fine also.

Anyway, I have my double scroll bar arrows back again.  Thanks to 
everyone who replied.

Jerry K

Paul Moortgat wrote:
> Launch Terminal and enter the following command:
> defaults write "Apple Global Domain" AppleScrollBarVariant DoubleBoth
> Paul Moortgat
> On 15 Feb 2006, at 19:33, Edie wrote:
>> Jerry,
>> Yes. I let the freeware app, TinkerTool do it along with several other 
>> nifty personalizations.
>> <http://www.bresink.com/osx/TinkerTool.html>
>> At 11:46 AM -0600 2/15/06, Jerry K wrote:
>>> I am trying to get the double scroll bars to work in Mac OS X 10.4.x, 
>>> such as mentioned in this article:
>>> <http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20010927011840284>
>>> and I am not having any luck.
>>> Can anyone tell me if this still works on 10.4.x???
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jerry K.
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