[X4U] Question for the self-employed

MacTechLists MacTechlists at cox.net
Thu Feb 16 07:43:37 PST 2006

I am self-employed and do Macintosh technical support. I have purchased 
all my computers, 800MHz Titanimum PB (bought new), 2.1 GHz iMac (bought 
new and non intel), G4 AGP graphics (bought new) and now upgraded to a 
1.3 GHz processor.

One advantage to purchasing is a person can now take off the entire 
purchase price of a new computer in the year in which it is purchased. 
Good if the income goes up in that year.

Years ago I purchased a PB 3400 and purchased with Apple Loan. I was 
upside down (owed more than the PB was worth) the last 2 years of payment.

If you need to keep up with the latest technology, leasing would 
probably be a good choice.


alexandre wrote:

> On Feb 15, 2006, at 8:19 PM, Mark Des Cotes wrote:
>> Sorry for the tangent question but I'm just curious as to how many  
>> of you are self-employed and if you are, what sort of work do you  
>> do? Also, do you lease or did you buy your computer and why?
> me: self-employed (part-time) architect here in zürich, switzerland  
> (i teach also at the local institute of technology).
> i buy my computers (first a titanium 400, then a 12" powerbook then a  
> 17" powerbook). i bought the 17" second hand in november because of  
> the imminent announcement of intel machines coming in 2006.
> hth
> alexandre
> :: 17" 1.5ghz powerbook / 1.5gb / 80gb / X.4.4 ::
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