[X4U] Pdf problem in tiger

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Fri Jan 13 08:16:53 PST 2006

On 1/13/06 6:58 AM, Anne Close wrote:

> I have just upgraded to Tiger 10.4.4. I am experiencing a problem when
> making pdfs. I am making postscript files from quark xpress 5.0 and
> then distilling them through Acrobat Distiller 5.0. The file distills
> fine and acrobat shows that it is complete and saved to a specific
> area or folder on the computer. Yet when I go there to retrieve the
> file, it doesn't exist. A spotlight search for the file returns
> nothing and it has simply disappeared even though distiller records
> it's save location.
> Does anyone have any ideas on this?

Those are both Classic applications... Quit Classic, and go to the Classic
pane in your System Preferences, and rebuild your Classic desktop. Relaunch
Classic, and try again...

Barring that, try rebooting your computer. Sometimes, the first signal I
have that my G5 needs rebooted is when taking screen shots that show up
momentarily on the desktop... then disappear.


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