[X4U] DRAM failure (was Hard drive or hard drive controller gone)

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Wed Jan 18 14:27:03 PST 2006

On 1/18/06 12:34 PM, "Linda" <XPressoBean at mac.com> wrote:

> Try rebooting the beast, and launch activity viewer, and set the window to
> the foremost so you can see all the processes. Maybe there's a clue there --
> what app is topmost when the computer freezes? Are any crash logs being
> written when the computer freezes? Maybe also showing a console window would
> provide some insight -- what's the last line of output in Console when the
> Mac freezes?

Thanks for the suggestions. I have run Activity Monitor, and didn't see
anything unusual accompanying freezes, but I'm not sure I'd know what to
look for. Certainly there's been no surge in processor usage or memory
usage. Should I have Activity Monitor display all processes or just active

As far as the console window is concerned, there's lots of stuff there that
doesn't mean anything to me. There are errors listed, but they all mention
trying DNS services, and I had the ethernet cable unplugged, so I assume
those don't mean anything. I put the machine back on my network so that if
there are errors reported in console, they won't just reflect that.

I'll leave Console running (I assume displaying the System Console) to see
if I can decipher something. There aren't any Crash Logs listed in the panel
to the left that lists all the logs. Apple's website says that in 10.2 one
needed to enable the writing of Crash Logs; that's not a preference in
10.4.x, so I assume if they're written they're recorded automatically.

One last thing. Previously I had the hard drive set to sleep at 10 minutes.
I've disabled hard drive sleeping and screen sleeping, just to see if that
makes any difference.

I really appreciate the help you and others on the list have offered trying
to help me sort this out.

Jim Robertson

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