[X4U] Entourage issue

Jan Melichar janmel at mac.com
Tue Jul 18 03:52:44 PDT 2006

I want to move the emails in an account in Entourage from one OS account to
another ­ that is from the administrator account to another user account.

I have copied over the ŒMicrosoft User Data¹ from one ŒDocuments¹ folder to
the other but when launching Entourage I am asked to rebuild the database
and then told that I do not have enough access privileges. I have tried
changing privileges to the database file via the ŒGet Info¹ dialogue but
this does not seem to want to do what I guess it should be doing ­ though I
have to say Œprivileges¹ sometimes leave me a little confused.

Any advice would be welcome.

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