[X4U] How to determine which network component is failing

Wayne Clodfelter wayne at troutnc.com
Sun Jul 23 06:24:11 PDT 2006

On Jul 23, 2006, at 9:03 AM, Charles Howse wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been having a devil of a time trying to resolve an issue with  
> connectivity to the Internet.
> Hardware setup:
> ISP: Charter Communications, 2 megabit service
> Cable Modem: Motorola SB4200 Surfboard
> Router: Linksys Etherfast® Cable/DSL Router BEFSR41 V3 Firmware  
> Version: 1.04.17
> Computers: 2 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE. 1 Mac OS X 10.4.7, 100 baseT  
> ethernet connections on all
> Symptoms:
> Not connected to the internet.  Pinging apple.com or charter.net,  
> etc., times out.  Pinging other hosts, including, on the  
> lan works.  Cable TV is always working when I can't connect.
> The Charter tech has replaced my modem, and the cable from the  
> ground block to the splitter under the house.  He has also split  
> off the input cable under the house to the modem first, then  
> another splitter to the TV's.
> This morning, I was offline, and just by accident decided to try  
> and release and renew the ip address using the web interface of the  
> router.
> BINGO!  Online again!
Certainly sounds like a router issue.
> Is this an indication that the router is not noticing that the  
> lease has expired on my dhcp assigned ip address from the modem?   
> Or is it an indication that the modem is not renewing it's ip  
> address?  Or is it something else?
> Can I tell the router to release / renew the ip address from a  
> shell script?
Sounds more like, to me, anyway, that configuration or operation of  
the router is not quite what it should be.
> --
> Thanks,
> Charles
> http://bubbabbq.homeunix.net
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Wayne Clodfelter
wayne at troutnc.com

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