[X4U] Change Desktop Picture at custom interval

Philip J Robar philip.robar at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 16:30:31 PDT 2006

On Jul 28, 2006, at 3:24 PM, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:

> Prior to Tiger you could edit all your preference files in  
> TextEdit. I had
> edited my ChangeTime to 10800. I can no longer do that because Tiger
> converted that .plist file into binary format.

Property List Editor, it's part of Apple's (free) Developer Tools.  
Click on Dump to view the file as text. You're on your own figuring  
out what the different dictionaries are for and why two of them (at  
least on my machine) have numbers for names. I noticed that when I  
change ChangeTime via System Preferences that this value is changed  
in the Defaults dictionary and one of the named-by-a-number  
dictionaries, but isn't present at all in the other named-by-a-number  

ChangeDesktop (free) may do what you what:

> I know it needs to start with:
> defaults write com.apple.desktop

In a terminal type: man defaults, but you'll have to understand XML  
in order to do what you want as the value you want to change is  
embedded several layers down.


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