[X4U] Re: Any legal restrictions on CD songs as gift loaded on iPod

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Fri Jun 16 07:23:09 PDT 2006

On Jun 16, 2006, at 8:22 AM, Richard Gilmore wrote:

> So is buying a CD at a used record store stealing when no money is  
> going to the artist? I think Billy Ray Cyrus wanted to make that  
> illegal too. Give me a break.

Yeah, that whole thing was ridiculous. As if the used book market  
etc. hadn't been around forever.

OTOH, in this case we're not talking about giving someone an original  
music CD, we're talking about giving them a copy of the CD and  
retaining the original. That's totally different. I'd say this is  
equivalent to giving a tape of one of my LPs to a friend. I know that  
was generally considered to be OK to do, but I don't know about the  
strict legality of it.

I don't think there would be any question about legality if the  
original CD and backup went along with the iPod (at least in my mind).


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