[X4U] Tolerance (was Spotlight and Address Book- Strange Behavior)

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Mon Jun 26 15:14:57 PDT 2006

Ronald Steinke wrote:
> On 26 June, 2006, at 5:12:24, alexandre wrote:
>>  have you ever heard of the concept of "english as a foreign language" 
>> where spelling mistakes are NOT due to laziness or lack of instruction 
>> (at least not in the sense in which you mean it…)?

> I beg your pardon, but, when you speak in a language that is not your 
> native tongue do you try to use proper pronunciation? When you write in 
> another language, do you also try to use the proper spelling and 
> punctuation? 


> This behavior makes you "Cool" because it shows that you are only 
> thinking of yourself and to hell with the rest of the world because you 
> want to do what you want to do. If anyone tries to tell you that you are 
> making too much noise, you just "flip them off" and continue your 
> disrespectful behavior.
> Thank you for perpetrating disrespect, ignorance, and laziness.
> End of rant. My apologies to the rest of the list for going so far off 
> subject.

I think _you're_ intolerant, and out of line.

I remember a trip I took, driving thru the Swiss Alps, and on the way ran 
across at least 3 dialects of German.
What little I retained from my 2nd generation German mother, who spoke some 
sort of "low German," allowed me to eat, and drink, and make friends.
THEY liked it that I tried ~ which was, I found, a universal opinion among the 
people in the countryside.

The only people who didn't like a non-citizen trying out their language were 
the Parisians.
The countryside French were just lovely people. The Parisians weren't.
They were even more haughty than you are!

Bottom line, if you honestly try, don't speak ever louder when someone doesn't 
understand your inept attempts at communication, I've found they are gracious 
and helpful, almost without exception.

It is not necessary that I understand the declination of nouns and which are 
feminine and masculine.
It IS necessary that I try.

I can speak a little German, a little French, a little Spanish, and a bit of 
All these have served me well, and with the one regional exception I noted 
above, all those with whom I had contact were gentile and polite.

 > If you fail to try speaking and writing correctly, aren't you just being
 > disrespectful to the people you are communicating with?

I say no.
It depends on the attitude you carry with you.
If you're honest in your attempts at communication, eventually both of you 
will find a way to understand each other.
I do NOT need 6 years of French language immersion, except to speak to a 
I'm not sure I give a rat's patoot!

keith whaley

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