[X4U] Re: Upgraded 10.4.6 to 104.7 - Sleep problem

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Fri Jun 30 14:59:41 PDT 2006

On 06/30/06, "Robert A. (Bob) Hall" <rahall at ptd.net> wrote:
> Upgraded from 10.4.6 to 104.7. Now automatic sleep is disabled.  I am
> using a G4 AGP Graphics tower.
> Has anyone had this problem. Is there an easy way to revert back to 10.4.6

Easiest is reinstall the bootable backup that you made of your 10.4.6
installation before installing 10.4.6. The next easiest way, if you failed to
do that, is to do an Archive & Install installation with your Tiger install
disks and update it to 10.4.6-that usually doesn't require reinstalling
3rd-party SW, but does require examining the Previous System folder for items
not transferred (mainly in /Library/Application Support/, /Library/Internet
Plug-ins/, and other sundry places. The hardest is to do an Erase & Install,
resetting all of your preferences and reinstalling the 3rd-party SW.

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