[X4U] Browser for ftp?

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Wed Mar 1 04:20:09 PST 2006

At 4:32 PM +0100 2/24/06, B. Kuestner wrote:
>Instead of forcing Mac clients to use FTP you might offer them a 
>WebServer with upload capabilities.
>You can consider enabling the WebDAV features of the built-in 
>Apache, so they can mount your share like Apple's iDisk.

I took your advice and set up a WebDav folder, using the instructions 
at: <http://tigervittles.com/?p=10 >  I created a password file with 
both first names and also names in the form of email addreseses so I 
could access the dav folder from the Windows PC at work. I forwarded 
port 80 on my Airport to my local IP address on my Mac. The dav 
folder comes up perfectly here on my mac, using http://localhost.dav

But at work, if I put "http://[myhomeipaddress]/dav" into a browser, 
it fails to reach the dav folder saying something about the client 
could not connect to the remote folder. Now, the only thing I can 
think is that I did the password file incorrectly, maybe? I did not 
use my real email address, which is "jessup at san.rr.com". Instead, I 
used my Mac OS X account name and just made up an end to it, so I 
created a password for "daly" (my account name) and one for 
"daly at jessup.com" which is my account name plus an invented email 

Where might I have gone wrong? I would really love to make this work. 
Was it wrong to use a browser to try to access the dav folder from 
work? Is there some other program for it? Obviously here at home I 
use the "connect to server" (Command-K) window.


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