[X4U] Browser for ftp?

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Fri Mar 3 05:36:56 PST 2006

I had written (about setting up WebDAV):

>>>....I forwarded port 80 on my Airport to my local IP address on my 
>>>Mac. The dav folder comes up perfectly here on my mac, using 
>>>But at work, if I put "http://[myhomeipaddress]/dav" into a 
>>>browser, it fails to reach the dav folder saying something about 
>>>the client could not connect to the remote folder.

Joe Block answered:

>>Check that your port-forwarding is working. From home visit 
>>http://grc.com & see what ShieldsUp! reports of port 80, or from 
>>work `telnet myhomeipaddress 80`.
>Check that your broadband provider isn't blocking port 80. I ended 
>up having to move my home server to a different port because 
>Brighthouse was blocking 80.

And Stroller answered:

>Check that your port-forwarding is working. From home visit 
>http://grc.com & see what ShieldsUp! reports of port 80, or from 
>work `telnet myhomeipaddress 80`.

Thank you both. I'm not sure how to ensure that port forwarding is 
working for port 80. I know that forwarding another port works, so at 
least forwarding in general is not hosed.

I did go to grc.com and learned that port 80 is in "stealth" mode. 
Would that be caused by the ISP blocking it?

If I have to change the port for the web server, can someone explain 
how to do that?


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