[X4U] Using gnutar in Tiger.

Robert Nicholson robert at elastica.com
Fri Mar 3 19:07:13 PST 2006

Why when I try to restore an app wrapper, in this case Retrospect 6.1  
(how ironic) is the .app actually not seen as a .app?

gnutar in 10.4 is suppose to support extended attributes and I can  
see references to ._ in the restore output so I don't think that's  
the problem here.

This is the command that was used to do the original tar

/usr/bin/gnutar -p -X /usr/local/gnuxpat -cf /Volumes/External/ 
BRUBackups/annie/backup-20060303-0.tar /

Shouldn't that correctly backup all metadata and shouldn't  
applications restored from this be actual applications?

I just restored Safari.app and it is correctly an application so it's  
just Retrospect 6.0 and Retrospect 6.1 that didn't restore as app's.

Incidently, can anybody confirm that gnutar only takes a date for -- 
newer and no time component and that this format is correct? If I'm  
not mistaken gnu utilitiies support whatever getdate(3) can handle.

/usr/bin/gnutar -W -v -p -X /usr/local/bruconfig/gnuxpat --newer  
20060303 -cf /Volumes/External/BRUBackups/annie/backup-20060304-3.tar /

What's happening at the moment is that the above line is actually  
doing a full backup. ie. it's not considering the dates at all.

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