[X4U] Dual Monitors & Sleep

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Fri Mar 10 06:33:59 PST 2006

I've got a couple of monitors (SyncMaster 930BF) connected to my G5  
and all is good - except...

When the monitors are put to sleep and then woken up again, the right  
hand monitor (connected to the standard DVI out of the video card)  
shows vertical stripes of colour until the monitor is power cycled.  
This isn't a big problem but is starting to irritate me. Anyone got  
any ideas as to how to fix this?


Simon Forster
  LDML Ltd, 62 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HZ, UK
  Tel: +44 (0)845 257 6086   Fax: +44 (0)70 9230 5247

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