A system bug turns it off from time to time. Just Command/Apple + Option + the number "8" key will turn it back on. -- Taylor Barcroft Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley URL http://FutureMedia.org RSS http://feeds.feedburner.com/FutureMedia iTunes http://tinyurl.com/8ql87 barcroft (gizmo) kungax (Skype) kungag5 (iChat-AIM) On Mar 11, 2006, at 4:40 PM, keith_w wrote: > Up until a couple of days ago, I had no problem with keyboard > shortcuts: zooming in with a command-option-"=" or zooming out with > command-option-"-". > > Now, it doesn't work. > > No idea what has changed. Any help at finding the problem? > > Thanks,