[X4U] URL for reporting spam?

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Sun Mar 12 17:56:39 PST 2006

Linda wrote:

> On 3/12/06 6:58 PM, keith_w wrote:
>>Back long befoe I loaded up on OS X, I was operating on OS 9.x, and I
>>had a web site that I could open, forward a spam or phishing letter to
>>this address, and they'd eventually take car of it.
>>I think it was some government agency, but can't recall it.
>>Does anyone here recall what that URL is?

> See the page at: <https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=>
> peace,
> Linda

Yes! That's the one i had in mind...
You'd think the address was so simple, I wouldn't forget it!

It now goes in my Finder's menu bar.

Thanks a bunch, Linda!


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