[X4U] Re: What Is IMAP ?

Mark Phillips mark at mophilly.com
Fri May 5 09:30:08 PDT 2006

On May 4, 2006, at 5:58 PM, Randy B.Singer wrote:

> Cornett said:
>> any thoughts and/or
>> ideas to enable the(my) preferred/continued use of Apple Mail
>> (hopefully without the troubles) would be very much welcomed and
>> highly appreciated. TIA
> I don't think that there are any settings that you can change to make
> Mail less susceptible to malicious messages that might crash it.

One thing to consider is complaining, nicely, to your mail server  
admin. We enjoyed a notable improvement when the mail server was  
upgraded to scan for virus (virii?) and spam on both incoming and  
outgoing mail. Now the server doesn't accept nor does it send most of  
the bad stuff.

There is only so much one can do in the mail client software.

  - Mark

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