[X4U] Firefox question

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Mon Nov 6 16:16:40 PST 2006

Marc Stergionis wrote:
> At 3:43 PM -0800 11/6/06, keith_w wrote:

>> I used to  use BBEdit Lite and liked it very much, but saw no reason 
>> to pay for the professional version. Much bigger than I needed. Lite 
>> did just fine.
>> But, I think since they found out most people got along well without 
>> purchasing the heavyweight program, they stopped offering, AND 
>> supporting, BBEdit Lite.
>> Too bad. I use something else now, but it's NOT BBEdit.

> Too bad. Barebones Software "morphed" BBEdit Lite to what's now 
> TextWrangler. Also free:
> <http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/index.shtml>

I had downloaded TextWrangler way back when they first offered it, and 
for some reason didn't think it was up to what BBEdit Lite offered, so 
didn't use it.
I've just downloaded the upgrade version, and will try it again...

Thanks for reminding me, Marc!

keith whaley

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