[X4U] Sorry...late..but I need a iPhoto Substitute...

Marc Stergionis stermarc at mac.com
Tue Nov 7 15:27:05 PST 2006

At 7:04 PM -0500 11/7/06, PEC wrote:
>I apologize to the group for what is probably a topic that has been 
>discussed extensively.........but my PB G4 has worked beautifully 
>for years only recently having a hard drive failure however the new 
>drive has OS X 10.4.8 and I only now realized that iPhoto is not 
>included....I would prefer a client application versus a web 
>application since my family are used to seeing local copies.....I 
>will buy iLife as a last resort since with all it's positive 
>attributes iPhoto had many negatives...so I am open to suggestions..

Depends ... what would you like to do with it? What came with your 
camera? My daughter got software with her Kodak camera that actually 
wasn't that bad. Printers often come with iPhoto-like software, too.

You also could try doing a search on versiontracker and see what comes up.
Marc Stergionis
Writer & Web Designer
<mailto:stermarc at mac.com>

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